49 years ago, Laverne & Shirley — the first and most successful of the many Happy Days spin-off shows — premiered, on January 27, 1976. Originally introduced as acquaintances of Fonzie, Laverne DeFazio (Penny Marshall) and Shirley Feeney (Cindy Williams) were roommates and best friends in 1950s Milwaukee, working together at the Shotz Brewery and enjoying wacky relationships with landlady Edna, Shirley’s boyfriend Carmine (a.k.a. the Big Ragu), and neighbors Lenny and Squiggy. Though Williams reportedly told cast member Michael McKean, “You know, this is gonna flop” before shooting the first episode, the show ran for eight successful seasons, and became the number one TV show in the country two years in a row.
Today, sadly, only one classic cast member is still with us — though two others who were added to the show’s later seasons, when the gang all moved to Los Angeles, are also still alive.